Justices' Clerks' Fees | s. d. |
For every Precept to High Constable for convening a Special Petty Sessions, to be paid by each Parish | 1 0 |
Notices to Justices, when required, to be paid by each Parish | 0 6 |
Precept and Notice to Overseers, to return Lists to Special Sessions, including abstract of duties, to be paid by each Parish | 1 0 |
Each Form of List of Persons agreed to at Vestry, when required by Overseer | 0 3 |
For every other Precept and Notice Issued under this Act | 1 6 |
Verification and allowance of each List returned, including hearing objections thereto | 1 6 |
Appointment of Constable, if only one, including Oath | 2 0 |
Each additional Constable, in the same appointment | 0 6 |
Copy of appointment for Overseers, one half. | |
Every Summons and Duplicate | 1 6 |
List of Constable for Justices and Clerk of the Peace, each Parish | 1 0 |
For every order of Justices, to unite Parishes, under Secxtion 4, to be paid by each Parish, included therein | 1 0 |
For every Copy | 0 6 |
For every information and examination, if in writing | 2 0 |
For each witness examined on hearing, including Oath | 1 0 |
Conviction, where no form is prescribed | 2 6 |
Distress warrent | 2 0 |
Commitment | 2 0 |
Other orders and allowances not provided for | 1 6 |
Constables' Fees | |
Serving Summons within the Parish | 1 0 |
Executing Warrant | 2 6 |
Distraining, when not otherwise directed by Statute | 2 6 |
Pressing Carriages for Baggage etc. | 1 0 |
For assistance in making a return, or obeying a legal order of Justices | 2 0 |
For attendance with Prisoner | 2 6 |
For assistance with Prisoner, when necessary | 2 6 |
Travelling expenses per mile, (both ways), when out of the Parish | 0 3 |
For taking a Prisoner into Custody, or before a Justice, per mile | 0 3 |
Subsistence of Prisoner, per day | 0 9 |
Subsistence of Constable, after one day | 2 0 |
Assistant, when ordered, same as Constable | |
Lodging of Prisoner | 0 9 |
Lodging of Constable | 2 0 |
Assistant to Constable | 2 0 |
For the performance of other such occasional duties, which may be required of the said Constables, under a written order of Justice, not exceeding 2s.6d. per Day, and 3s. per Night. |